Saturday, 28 March 2015

What Beauty Blogging Has Taught Me

I've been in the blogging for a bit over a year now and thanks to all the comments, posts and chats I've learned some great beauty tips and discovered many brands I wouldn't have otherwise.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

What I've Been Wearing on My Eyes Lately

For this spring season I am going to keep the makeup minimal to let the skin breath and to save me some time in the morning (the real reason here).

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Transitional Camel Jumper


My favourite season is finally here and I couldn't be happier. More sunlight (vitamin D y'know?), more colours and no more cold afternoons spent barricaded in a café sipping on hot drinks. I love everything about this season, even that awkward phase that everybody hates where it's too warm for ugg boots and scarves but it's too cold to wear tshirts.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

An Ode to Jamie Topshop Jeans

The limit simply doesn't exist to the amount of jeans you can own, especially if you are a tshirt and jeans kind of gal. I like to pair jeans with anything, whether it's in the winter with a big jumper or in the summer with a cropped top. 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

The Sunday Post: Tv Shows & Films to Watch

It's the same story every weekend, I start by having a very productive morning and then tv series and films happen. Fast forward to three hours later and I'm still streaming watching Reign when I was going to take a short 45 minutes break. There are a few films and series I would recommend watching if you need a reason to procrastinate.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

A Little Update on Life | III

From gigs to exhibitions, food and to travels. These past 30 days were all about enjoying life and making the most out of the opportunities I've been getting. 

Saturday, 7 March 2015

The SOS Skincare

You know when you're having a bad skin day and then it turns into weeks and nothing just seems to make it better? I get that a lot, especially around that time of the month when the hormones are just going all crazy, and I don't mean that it only showes through my skin, but I also cry a lot, for no reason.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

In-Flight Travel Essentials

A second travelling themed post in a row? Throughout this year I will be travelling more than usual and most of these journies will made by plane. I am a big flight-traveller, during my holidays most of the time you'll find me sitting at an airport's gate.
To make myself comfortable during flights there are always a few things I like to always have with me in my backpack.

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