Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sunday Post: Muji Christmas Giftguide

Cold months, end of November.. does this make your lightbulb click? yes, it's finally time for Christmas decorations and atmosphere. Christmas is hands down my favourite time of the year and Christmas shopping couldn't be more fun. Every year I find it quite difficult to think of ideas for gifts for friends and family, especially for the boys. This year, since I wanted to stay on top of thinks I did my Christmas shopping a bit early and jotted down a few unisex gift ideas for all of you who are lacking some inspiration here!

Friday, 21 November 2014

6 Skincare tips

Nowadays there are so many skincare products targeted at doing different jobs that sometimes we just feel overwhelmed by the variety of choices. It took me a while to find my way into skincare, but a crucial step to have perfect looking skin. I still do have bad skin days, but now I definitely have it much more under control.

Monday, 10 November 2014

A Litte Update on Life | II

November has been and is going to continue being a very busy month. It's hard to multitask and I haven't been really succeeding in that.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Eyelash Curlers

When I still wasn't into beauty I remember watching my sister a using a weird gear to curl her eyelashes and then applying mascara. Eyelash curlers were the first thing that got me into beauty, I couldn't understand how such thing could make your eyes appear bigger and more awake.

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