Friday, 21 November 2014

6 Skincare tips

Nowadays there are so many skincare products targeted at doing different jobs that sometimes we just feel overwhelmed by the variety of choices. It took me a while to find my way into skincare, but a crucial step to have perfect looking skin. I still do have bad skin days, but now I definitely have it much more under control.

Be consistent, one thing I learned by trying many new skincare products at once is that your skincare won't like it, it will go crazy. Try to keep your routine consistent as possible and do not change it every night.

Less is more, sometimes you watch skincare routine videos that are just 20 minutes long explaining all the product used. I don't know about you guys, but at night or in the morning when I do my routine I am pretty tired and the last thing I want to do is to slap on fifteen different products on my face. So keep it simple by using the basics: cleanser, toner, eyecream, moisturizer. Every now and then  I'll additionally go for my Clinique Turnaround Concentrate Radiace Renewer Serum.

A skincare routine isn't the solution, people think that if they build up a skincare routine this will solve all their problems, sorry to put it like this guys, but it doesn't. Your diet, age and health can influence your skin state a lot, this is why if we have  too much chocolate (this is me) we get spots.

Listen to your skin, if you take two seconds to look at your skin this would really benefit from it. At night, if you see your skin is dry you don't want to use too stripping products as these will remove all the oils, and instead of a moisturizer you might want to use an oil for that extra quench.

Cleansing is the most important step, this is defintely what I always tell people when they build a skincare routine, cleansing is what really makes the difference as it takes off your makeup and cleans your pores so that your skin can breath.

Don't be afraid of oils and moisturizers if you have oily skin. I used to keep away from the oils and moisturizers thinking that this would cause my skin to be even more oily. But actually, if you don't moisturize this will cause your skin to produce even more oil.

Moisturize at 7500m altitude, especially for the dry skin people out there, don't forget to moisturize before, during and after a flight because at those altitudes and because of the air conditioning your skin will dry out really quickly, I'd recommend using the Origins Intensive Night Mask as it is amazing at giving a lot of hydration all at once.

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