Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Lessons Learned in 2014

2014 has been a great and successful year for me, I feel like I've grown a lot and the great moments I've experienced in these past twelve months have taught me a lot. Looking back I wouldn't want to change anything and I hope 2015 will be as great as this past year, if not even better!

Not to be too hard on myself. I'm still young, I've got lots of years ahead of me and I shouldn't stress out too much, these are the times to make mistakes and learn from them, no one is perfect and for this I shouldn't be too hard on myself.

Be more optimistic & smile more often. We should find more reasons to be happy and smile and stop looking at the negative sides of things, because this attitude will never take us anywhere.

Get out of my routines. This is one of the many reasons why I love to travel, it gets me out of a routine which if I hadn't done will eventually end up eating me.

Set myself goals. I found that this year by setting myself some realistic goals, achieving them has been easier and that feeling of achievement that you get is rewardful enough.

Blogging & Photography. Blogging has opened up a world for me which I would have never thought of, it has given me amazing opportunities, for example to meet new lovely people and improve my photography skills, which is what I love doing. Thanks to blogs and youtube I may have found what I love doing and what I'd love -one day- to turn into a fulltime thing as my job, event-management.

With this post I conclude a year of Inter Blog with you, I hope you're having a lovely holiday and you'll hear from me again in 2015 *excited scream*.
Happy New Year!

What have you learned in 2014?


  1. its all to easy to get stuck in routines isn't it!
    I would like to be more optimistic though and my blogging and photography is continuing to improve.
    Thanks for your link in the #fblchat


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