Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Eyebrows 101

Every blogger, grandma and cat has been talking about the importance of brows. Yes, because believe or not that patch of hair above your eyes is all what it takes to frame your face. Lately everybody's been raving about the Cara Delevigne's eyebrow look: dark and bushy; I think it looks great on her but not many others are able to pull the look off. So I'll talk your through the routine I do, my eyebrow favourites and a few little beauty tricks which might just save you some money!

I only started filling in my eyebrows little over a year ago, I feel like I haven't really been experimenting much with products, but that's okay because I found what I liked and I sticked to it. First of all you'll need something to brush your eyebrows with, an angled makeup brush, tweezers (if you decide to pluck them) and finally any kind of product to fill them in. For types of products you have the choice between a powder, an eyebrow liner, a wax and tinted gel.

My brows naturally don't have a real shape to them, but I'm fine with that. I get them threaded every month and in the meantime I try and keep the shape by plucking them. Now remember: eyebrows are meant to be sisters, not twins and it's okay if they don't have the same identical shape!
I start my eyebrow routine by brushing them through with a spooly (if I have one), in this case with this brush I got in a set of makeup brushes. If you don't want to spend money on a spooly  for the only purpose of brushing through your eyebrows, I suggest getting one for free from the MAC counters where they have mascara wands for testing products out. If you don't have the possibily to reach a MAC counter then you can just use and old (clean!) mascara wand.

I personally prefer to use powders to fill in my eyebrows, just because they don't give you that drawn in effect, but a more natural one. When matching your eyebrows to a shade, go for a matte and ashy toned shade, you do not want to look like you have orange brow and if you are in doubt on which shade to match your eyebrows, always go for the darkest one.

When travelling I use liners to pop in my makeup bag to avoid the fuss of the eyeshadow pot and the makeup brush.
I then like to brush through them with the spooly one more time to distribute the colour and soften any sharp edges. This time I spray my brush with some hairspray and brush through the eyebrows to set them in place, of course you can use a clear gel, but I find this works for me and it's a cheaper alternative.

I hope you found my hefty post useful and tell me
if you enjoy reading these kind of posts!

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