Tuesday, 12 August 2014

SummerTrilogy | A Summer Snack

Last week I was scrolling through my pinterest when I came across the sweet potatoe wedges recipe. It sounded interesting and I knew this had to go down. I then decided that a snack was not enough for my post so I added a green smoothie recipe.

The Ingredients...
-1 sweet potatoe
-extra virgin olive oil

Preheat the oven at 160° and cut the sweet potatoe into wedges and place them on a baking sheet covered by a tin foil, add some olive oil and a few pieces of rosemary. Remember to turn the wedges after a few minutes.

The Ingredients...
-1 apple
-a few pieces of pineapple
-1 banana
-1 yogurt

Start by cutting all the fruits into small pieces and just add them with the yogurt in a blender and blend everything together.

I've enjoyed writing these posts and I might do these next year aswell, or for another season!


  1. I need to make my own sweet potato fries soon, they are so yummy! Yours look great :) x

    Evelyn @ We Were Raised By Wolves

    1. You should 'cause you're missing out! I just discovered this yummy snack, and now I'm asking myself "where was I this whole time?".


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